
Sometimes we dream of what our perfect project would be, and then one lands in the Studio: a wonderful chateau in the Languedoc region of the South of France.

We have been commissioned to bring back to life a 14th Century chateau that has not been inhabited for close on twenty years.  We are currently working on both the building and the extensive grounds.  The project may just have started but we have already had a few adventures – I managed to discover the original electrician drinking in a café in a neighbouring village (I don’t mean the original 14th Century one!), and convince him to step out of his retirement and help us get the lights back on in the building.

If you look at the turret on the left of the image, we will be installing a double height bathroom which in the Studio we are referring to as a ‘Loo with a View’.

We look forward to completing the project in mid-2013.